Saturday, August 10, 2013

Virtual Book Tour – Day 10: Guest Post, Inside the Mind of Author TC Southwell

Today’s tour host is fellow fantasy author Tracy Falbe. Tracy will be sharing a guest post from me titled Inside the Mind of an Author.
If it’s a fantasy author’s mind, it’s a weird place! Magical realms abound, chockfull of fearsome creatures and wonderfully strange heroes and heroines. I can’t speak for all authors, but my fantasy worlds are always alive and well in the back of my mind, just waiting for me to spend time in them. My characters’ lives continue there, but in the everyday way that everyone’s does, although theirs are obviously a little bit different. I’ll occasionally encounter Blade out for a stroll with Chiana, or sneaking her into an alehouse to watch a troubadour and entertain her with his insights into the patrons.

To read the rest of this place, please visit Tracy’s blog, and share the inner workings of your mind in the comments section while you’re at it.
If you’ve just joined us, take advantage of the 15% discount on The Cyber Chronicles II, Death Zone until tomorrow, 11 August.

Promotional price: $3.39
Coupon Code: UL86M
Don’t forget that the person who purchases the most of my books for the duration of the tour receives the gift of Books 2 and 3 in The Slave Empire series (to see if you qualify, you should, on the first day after the tour, email all your PoPs to

I’m also offering a 40% discount on The Queen’s Blade II, Sacrifice for 3 days, starting today, 10 – 12 August.
Promotional price: $2.39
Coupon Code: DX53X

To make sure you don’t miss a tour post, download the TC Southwell Virtual Book Tour Itinerary.

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